Rudi's major achievements

Neutron physics
Radiation and metrology
Mass-spectrometric gas analysis
Vacuum and surface technology
International relations and congress organization

International relations and congress organization

7th International Vacuum Congress

The 7th International Vacuum Congress was held together with the 3rd International Conference on Solid Surfaces (7th IVC & 3rd ICSS) at Congress Centre Hofburg (a section of Vienna's impressive Imperial Palace) in the time between Sept. 12 and 16, 1977. This international meeting (termed "Vienna Congress 1977") was sponsored by the International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications (IUVSTA), as well as by IUPAP, IUPAC, IAEA, and EPS. It was an outstanding event. About 2000 scientists and technicians from more than 34 countries attended the meetings and the International Industrial Exhibition that took place in the same building, occupying almost any free space within the Congress Center. For set-up and dismounting of the 700 m2 size technical exhibition, a two-weeks rental of the complete premises was necessary that had to be negotiated by Rudi already three years in advance!

Portrait Portrait
Franz Viehböck (Chairman of 7th  IVC) presents
one set of Proceedings to Rudolf Kirchschläger,
Federal President of Austria.
Rudi, together with Franz Viehböck, explains
one of the exhibition booths to Hertha Firnberg,
Federal Minister of Science and Research.

More pictures in Rudi's photo archive on page 7th International Vacuum Congress 1977.

The congress was opened by the Federal President of Austria, Rudolf Kirchschläger, with welcome addresses given by the Federal Minister of Science and Research, Hertha Firnberg, as well as by the Mayor of the City of Vienna, Leopold Gratz. There was also a prestigious social program including a reception at Vienna's town hall and a Johann-Strauss Concert at famous Vienna Concert Hall. It was the first International Vacuum Congress featuring poster sessions, and with the Proceedings made available to the participants already at the opening of the meeting.

The congress was hosted by Austrian Vacuum Society (ÖGV), Austrian Research Center Seibersdorf (ARCS), and Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien). Basic decisions on scope and objective were made by a steering committee comprising W. Badele (Director ARCS), M. Higatsberger (President ÖGV), F. Viehböck (Chairman IVC), and Rudi - but, for the preparatory work and its implementation, it was essentially Rudi as Secretary General of 7th IVC & 3rd ICSS who was responsible for almost everything within the congress organization including exhibition and finances. He was supported by an enthusiastic team of colleagues from TU Wien and ARCS (including all that time members of his research group at Seibersdorf) - and even Mini was strongly involved, e.g. by leading the ladies-program desk.

Other activities

Rudi also was involved in many other national and international meetings, and he was editor and co-editor of international journals.

Furthermore, he was Trustee of the Welch Foundation Scholarship (1988 - 1993) and member of the jury for the Max Auwärter Prize (1996 - 2007) - means, in both cases, being assigned for the evaluation of the candidates submitted for these prizes. Moreover, for a rather long period, Rudi was member of various committees of IUVSTA - The International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications, serving e.g. as Austrian Councillor, as head of Vacuum Science Division, and - for six years - in the responsible position of Treasurer. He was co-founder (1969) and President (1979-1981) of ÖGV (Austrian Vacuum Society), Director of ÖPG (Austrian Physical Society) from 1984 to 1986, introducing among others the ÖPG Newsletter, and he also served in several committees of AVS (American Vacuum Society).

From 1983 to 1988, Rudi was also involved in the Austrian pupils competition for the Physics Olympiads, and he was vice president and scientific coordinator of the 19th International Physics Olympiad (Bad Ischl, Austria, 1988) with students of 27 countries participating.


Rudi's cooperations included a considerable number of institutions and research groups (in alphabetical order): Alcatel, Argonne National Lab, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Atomic Institute (Vienna), Atomki (Debrecen), AUVA, Balzers AG, Beijing Lab for Vacuum Physics, Brazil Agency for Nuclear Physics, BMLV, BMWF, CERN, DESY (Hamburg), Deutsche Bundespost, Eindhoven University, ESTEC, Euratom, FZ Jülich, FWF, General Atomics, General Electric (Schenectady), General Nucleonics, G.E.-Tungsram (Budapest), Hydrology Lab IAEA, IBM (Yorktown Heights), IMT Ljubljana, Institute of Electronics (Tashkent), Institute of Semiconductor Physics (Novosibirsk), Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear (Rio de Janeiro), Instituto Fisica Materiales (Madrid), Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, LANSCE (Los Alamos), Leybold, Magnetic and Electric Alloys (Hamilton/Glasgow), Metallwerke Plansee, MPI Garching, MU Leoben, National Research Council Canada, NIST, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, Philips (Eindgoven), Polytechnic of Central London, PPPL (Princeton), RUAG, Rutherford Appleton Lab, SAES Getters (Milano), Sandia National Lab (Albuquerque), Schöller Bleckmann, Schott Glaswerke (Mainz), Semperit, Serin Physics Lab (Rutgers University), Stanford University and SLAC, Starlinger (Furth), TU Budapest, TU Chemnitz, TU Dresden, Tyrolit (Schwaz), University of Aleppo, University of Arizona, University of Salford, University of Vienna, Vakuumschmelze Hanau, Vienna University of Technology, VOEST, VST.

Rudi's other major achievements
Neutron physics
Radiation and metrology
Mass-spectrometric gas analysis
Vacuum and surface technology

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