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  #4: Selected sites in the Southwest of USA

Avoiding the nowadays highly overcrowded National Parks in the Southwest (Grand Canyon, Brice Canyon, Canyonlands, etc. - which we know quite well) we travel more frequently to remote and rather unknown sites. Here are some selected photos - on some of the sites shown we were the only visitors for the
whole day.

   Devils Garden, Grand Staircase of the Escalante, Southern UT

   Many hundred fancy sandstone sculptures in this 2.5 km2 "garden".
Portrait Portrait

   Blue Mesa, Northern AZ

   Colorful, well maintained one-hour hiking trail inside Petrified Forest NP
Portrait Portrait

   The Wave and Coyote Buttes, Vermillion Cliffs, Northern AZ

   Restricted access, long hike - no services, no signposts and markings. The risky hiking
   conditions are explained not only in a several hours distant ranger station but also by
   an information board telling "emergency response is never rapid"…
Portrait Portrait

   White Pocket, Vermillion Cliffs, Northern AZ

   Access takes a many-hours four-wheel drive on sand track - no services, no signposts ...
Portrait Portrait

   Antelope Canyon, Page, Northern AZ

   One of the many exciting very colorful slot canyons. Unfortunately, tourists found out
   that it is easily accessible … so, it's now rather difficult to take photos of this kind.
Portrait Portrait

   Blue Canyon, Hopi Indian Reservation, Northern AZ

   A many-hours washboard ride, no hints by Indians, no services, no signposts …
Portrait Portrait

   Goblin Valley, East of San Rafael Swell, UT

   Thousands of "Goblins" in this 12 km2 valley, known e.g. from movie "Galaxy Quest"
Portrait Portrait

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