Rudi's professional activities

Uni Wien
Forschungszentrum Seibersdorf
TU Wien
Atomic Institute
Univ. of Arizona
Rudolf Dobrozemsky KEG

Austrian Research Center Seibersdorf (ARCS)

founded 1955 as "Österreichische Studiengesellschaft für Atomenergie" (ÖSGAE)

Forschungszentrum Seibersdorf
A-2444 Seibersdorf, Austria

1964 - 1997 Senior Scientist at Physics Institute of ARCS

Rudi's primary activities at ARCS

Neutron physics
Radiation and metrology
Mass spectrometric gas analysis
Vacuum and surface technology
International relations and congress organization

R&D contracts
83 projects were carried out for national and international institutions and clients.
In addition, numerous own research initiatives have been performed.

5 patents were granted for Rudi's developments.

Supervision of students
Altogether 12 diploma-thesis and 14 doctoral-thesis students from TU Wien, Uni Wien, MU Leoben, and TU Eindhoven were supervised by Rudi at Seibersdorf.

In 1997, the administration of ARCS imposed drastic measures upon the employees, among them suspension of the company's pension system, causing the immediate departure of a large number of employees. Among those leaving ARCS at their own request was Rudi who moved his lab together with his that-time students from Seibersdorf to TU Wien where he operated, until 2011, a private gas-analysis lab in the frame of a freelance research activity.

Rudi's other professional activities
Uni Wien
TU Wien
Atomic Institute
Univ. of Arizona
Rudolf Dobrozemsky KEG

Dobros' home page | Rudi's home page | Major achievements | Rudi's photo archive